If you're reading this ebook, chances are you know what will happen if you'll not validate your business idea before the launch. Yes, failure. At least, there is a 42% possibility of that.

We crafted this toolkit and checklist for two reasons. The first one is to educate startup owners about the MVP development process. And the second is to share our experience in launching MVPs.

We have been helping entrepreneurs to build their first MVP for 6 years and delivered over 150 projects, so it's insane not to share all the lessons learned. But for us, it's not just about the number of projects and coding. We work together with our clients to find the product-market fit, convert their idea into an aspiring startup.

Check out **our successful cases** to learn more.

Here’s what you’ll learn from this eBook:

A lot to cover. But devoting some time now will save you lots of time and money then.

So let's start.

Table of Content

MVP Fundamentals: What, Why and When?

5 Stages of Building an MVP

The MVP Development Cost + Estimate Example

Where MVPs Usually Go Wrong and How to Solve It